What to Expect


What We Believe

We believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the grace and mercy extended to each one of us - simultaneously saints and sinners. Our greatest desire is to build relationships between God and God's children. We do this by offering excellent worship, encouraging growth as Christians in formation, providing fellowship opportunities so we can get to know one another, encouraging all to be faithful stewards of what God has given us, and reaching out beyond ourselves to serve the community around us.

Join Us Sunday Mornings at 7:15, 8:30, or 11:00 am

The worship service generally lasts about an hour. Do you have children? We have a nursery available for infants through four years old, and Children’s Chapel for ages 3 through 6 years old. For those children older than 6, we have Annunciation Little Angel Bags to help them enjoy the service with you.

Order of Worship

As is the tradition of Anglican churches around the world, our service is liturgical. That simply means we follow an order and style of worship with music, prayers, Scripture readings, and homily that dates back to the early church. As you enter the Sanctuary, an usher will hand you a bulletin with all the information about the service in it. The bulletin also contains news, event information and other items about the latest happenings at Annunciation. You may sit anywhere that you feel comfortable. If it’s crowded, the ushers will help you find a seat.


We celebrate Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, at each service. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion, including children. If you do not want to receive Communion, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing or you may simply remain in your seat to pray or reflect during that time.

Children’s Chapel

While you are welcome to bring children to church, we do have an age- appropriate service available for them in Children’s Chapel, where they grow their faith and their friendships with each other. The children join the adults in the middle of the service, so families can receive Communion together.

Christian Formation for Children and Adults

Christian Formation meets every Sunday during the school year from 9:45 to 10:45am. The ushers would be happy to help you find the appropriate classroom, but here is a list for your reference.

4 Years Old through 1st Grade meets in the Parish Hall, immediately to the right of the front doors, as you enter.

2nd and 3rd Grade meets in the Parish Hall, in the classroom located in the northeast corner of the building.

4th and 5th Grade meets in the classroom on the second floor of the main building, next to the Youth Room.


For more information about our Children’s Ministry, please contact Beth Parker.

Adults meet in the Oratory Chapel located on the west end of the main building, opposite the Sanctuary.

For more information about the Christian Formation schedule for adults, please contact Rev. Carolyn Bartkus.

Before and After Worship

Feel free to mingle in the Narthex (lobby area) or in the Welcome Center. Meet people, make connections, learn about upcoming events and activities, and meet our clergy after the service!

We Would Love to See You Soon!

We welcome you to come and join us and see what Jesus is doing in our midst. We give thanks that you have taken the time to visit our website and hope to see you soon.