02.14.22 | Parish Life | by Mtr. Catherine Thompson
The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation will hold its Annual Meeting on January 16, 2022 at 9:45 a.m.
At this meeting, we will be electing three Vestry members and five Delegates to represent Annunciation at the annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas on November 5, 2025. We thought you might like to get to know the candidates, and learn more about what it is they will be doing as they serve in these ministries.
“The mission of the vestry is to be an example of faith community for all to see.” The Calling of Vestry as Servants of the People of God, p. 7
Forward Movement Publications
Why are we electing Vestry members?
The vestry serves as legal representatives of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property and its care. Annunciation has nine Vestry members serving three-year terms, with three members elected each year, at our annual parish meeting. The presiding officer of the vestry is the rector. There are two wardens. The senior warden leads the parish between rectors and is a support person for the rector. The junior warden has responsibility for church property and buildings. The clerk takes minutes for every meeting. We also have a treasurer and an assistant Treasurer, both of whom serve on the Vestry with voice, but no vote. The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.
Who is running for Vestry?
Ginny Biggs
June McIntire
Brent Thomas
On the first Saturday of November each year, clergy and lay representatives of the congregations which make up the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas gather to hear reports, vote on proposed resolutions, elect representatives charged with administering the business of the Diocese in between conventions, and set the budget for the following year. Because of the average number of people who attend on Sundays, Annunciation is entitled to five lay representatives to participate in the annual convention, along with our clergy. Each delegate is required to attend a pre-Convention meeting to learn more about their role, to discuss any items upon which we will vote, and to meet candidates running for the various Diocesan positions.
Who is running to serve as a Delegate in November of 2022?
The following five individuals have agreed to represent Annunciation at our next Diocesan Convention, scheduled for November 5, 2022.